The world has changed with many once every-day activities stripped away: daily commutes, working in an office setting, and classes or events cancelled leaving us with more time on our hands.

But what hasn’t gone away is that nagging discontent of not doing enough, those feelings of failure.

Guilt creeps in as a day slips by and you feel as if you have nothing to show for it.

We have basic psychological needs of wanting to accomplish something. So, this post is meant to help you feel a little lighter and bring joy to your day. Turn your feelings of failure around with what I call a Win at Life List.

Win at Life List

Make a list of as many activities as you can that make you feel good. This is not a typical to-do list of tasks. These are activities that you may dismiss and not consider accomplishments.

Have a goal to complete at least four of these activities each day. When you do, you will feel like you are winning and not failing. You will feel a sense of accomplishment well-being.

Here are some of the activities on my list.

If you need a little help with your list, I did a blog post called 7 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being that will give you some ideas. With the tips is research that supports them.

  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep
  • Get up between 5:30 and 6am
  • Have my quiet time with God each morning
  • Work out 2X a week
  • Walk at least 2-4X a week
  • Eat well – as much real food as possible, not processed or out of a box
  • Drink enough water
  • Create something – a meal, an email, blog post, social media graphic
  • Get dressed (not be in sweats or pajamas all day), do my make-up and hair
  • Make it a point to connect with someone
  • Make a to-do list of the three most important things in my business and do them

I know that if I do many of these activities I will feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually.

It comes down to self-care. When we take care of ourselves, we can take care of others. It gives us energy to carry out the greater mission that God has called us to do.

I hope creating this list will help you to feel a little lighter and bring you joy each day. Turn those feelings of failure around with your own win at life list.

Do you already have a list or now plan to make one? I’d love for you to comment in the comment section below.

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