What is a masterpiece? Does Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Monet’s Water Lilies, Michelangelo’s David sculpture and the Sistine Chapel, or Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh come to mind?
Have you ever thought of yourself as a masterpiece?
The Definition of Masterpiece
A masterpiece is a work of outstanding artistry, skill or workmanship.
During medieval times, a masterpiece was judged by one’s mastery of a particular skill. A piece of work was submitted to a guild for the creator to qualify as a master.
You are a Masterpiece
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (NLT)
A masterpiece is unique. There is only one Mona Lisa, David, and Sistine Chapel.
There is only one YOU.
Master Your Thoughts to be a Masterpiece
Don’t let this being a masterpiece go to your head in the form of superiority or arrogance. Do conquer thoughts of unworthiness.
You and I were created with unique gifts and talents to share with the world. Not everyone will resonate with the way we express ourselves. Someone else will.
Dealing With Critics
There will always be critics. Criticism done in love and honesty is valuable. Criticism out of meanness and being snarky is not. That’s why I find this Theodore Roosevelt quote to be invaluable:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
The worst critic can be the one inside our heads that says, I’m not good enough. Who cares anyway? I’m too old. I’m too young. I’ll never finish this.
I’ve learned to dismiss those thoughts by telling them to be still. My writer friend Melissa Dinwiddie calls her critical thoughts Gremlins. She sends them out to get a pedicure. (Love that!)
Mastering these thoughts and letting them go will allow you to have joy and flow in your work and life.
Make Your Life a Masterpiece
God is not done creating. Every day there is a new sunrise and a new sunset. Each day is never the same.
Every morning you wake up to a new day, a new start. You get to create a life that becomes a masterpiece.
Are you a writer, artist, musician, craftsman? Introduce yourself below and say what it is that you create. I’ve met too many writers and artists whose masterpieces sit on their computers. Your work needs to be seen. There is someone out there who needs what you need to express. (Many someones!) 🙂 We need to support each other.
A Resource for Daily Encouragement
It’s easy to get discouraged. The creative life is not one for the faint of heart! If those thoughts of not doing or being enough consume you, my book, God Notes – Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement is an easy way for you to receive encouragement each day through a simple word: Get a signed copy directly from my Joy and Flow Store, or find it on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Buy one for you and a friend that needs encouragement.

Danielle Bernock
March 1, 2019 8:10 amVery encouraging and uplifting article. I love how you said God is not done creating.
I write books and online at my website, I paint, and I also create gifts to encourage people in their God-given value at my online store Soul Worthy. https://mysoulworthy.com/
Jackie Trottmann
March 1, 2019 8:47 amHi Danielle,
Thanks for stopping by, for your kind words, and for sharing what you do. Congratulations on completing your second book manuscript! You are definitely in the arena and daring greatly. 🙂
Peace and blessings,
March 4, 2019 11:19 amDear Jackie Trottmann,
Good morning. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words. I like to think of myself as a healer of the body, mind, spirit and soul. I am learning to ‘Be Still’, ‘Let it go’, and ‘Trust’ more. As you also pointed out, life has not always been easy. I have faced much, plowed through much and prayed much. Working at a state facility has not always been a fertile ground for creative thoughts. Generally being told to ‘stay in your lane’, ‘stay in your box’ felt like being in a unnatural, unhealthy room with ‘no oxygen’.
Although I have been guided in my life from a spiritual perspective, I now choose to live into FLOW and live a more magical and mystical life with the purpose to uplift others stuck in the mire of their lives with seemingly no way out!
I am going to join a spiritual class that allows for a catharsis of creativity. I love to draw, paint, play on my native drums, pet my pooch and cat and yes, write about my visions, my dreams, how they relate to biblical verses and the people I care about. My favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, not to harm you, but to give you hope and a future.
Many Blessings for you and your family.
Jackie Trottmann
March 5, 2019 2:27 pmHi Mercedes,
Thanks for sharing. I love all of the various creativity activities that you engage in. I’m glad you are choosing to live in FLOW. It is a magical and mystical way to live.
Blessings in return,
JoyCe Howell
March 4, 2019 11:56 amDear Jackie…
thanks for your ‘service’ to us .. here at home..old and young.. prospering and ‘not’.. thru your writings.. I just read your 5 bio questions..and was taken with the one.. .. ;what brings you joy?| Since I was originally named Joy but it was changed later to Joyce Elaine.. I choose to write it with a JoyCe… (secret meaning.. to be shared in the next life)..
so the WORD JOY in your life.. struck a chord with me..especially when you wrote.. ”’attending church”.. what would you say to an older woman like me who has been around many-a-block finding a church.. thought I “HAD’ finally found the ONE that would be my forever-church-family..but NOW it doesn’t seem to be that way.. long and short of it is..that this church has now chosen to go “Progressive’.. which means more cultural and less Biblical… I’ve run out of churches..and personally due to health issues..am not able to start that search all over again..
how does one stay at a church..that is NO longer living up to .. standards.. they once did.?
How does one get a spiritual family when one isn’t in a church..and the worst part is..
what does one do..when the so-called-church family is being divided…and even the ‘side’ that you’re on’ doesn’t even
notice when you don’t show up –due to medical issues for weeks..and then months at a time.. although ‘they’ know your
having health issues.. sure does leave one .. out on a limb.. with a saw.. just waiting to saw the limb off.. with me on the limb.
got any suggestions..other than the ones I’m using ‘forgiveness …and open-minded-ness..and prayers. lots and lots of praying.. goes on here…
thanks for your input.. JoyCe…………………
Jackie Trottmann
March 5, 2019 2:24 pmHi JoyCe,
Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing. That’s got to be tough to have your name changed. If Joy is what you preferred, I’d go back to Joy (my humble opinion). My husband is Stuart Robert Trottmann III. He was called Bob when he was little. He changed it to Robert in his 30’s. His family still insists on calling him Bob. Oh well…
The church scenarios are tough. Church, unfortunately, is full with people, and as people, we can have a lot of issues. We’ve had our share at our church, but there is a solid staff there now.
If you are limited physically, perhaps an online service will at least feed you spiritually for now? We stream our services online. You can check out these recordings to see if they resonate with you: . The services are streamed live on the website on Sundays.
Prayers for resolution and for healing for you.
March 4, 2019 11:29 pmHi Jackie,
I can’t remember how I came across your posts, but I feel that your words ‘stick’ and they really are encouraging. I love singing and playing music. Blessings!
Jackie Trottmann
March 5, 2019 2:02 pmHi Stephanie,
Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you found my posts. I can’t remember when I find some people either! But here you are. Thank you for the kind words. Music is very special. Best wishes with your singing and playing.
Sherese Lyons
March 7, 2019 6:39 amGood Morning Jackie,
My, My, My! I would have to say, that when we need a message to overpower the doubt and self-defeating voices, God knows who and when to send someone to lift us up. I found this message to be more than I expected this morning. As I awoke this morning, I felt heavy and needed to be lifted up. Even after I prayed, there was a gloom that surrounded me and my heart. I logged on to LinkedIn and began to respond to my messages; one of those being yours. I have decided to leave your website up on my computer for the rest of the day, to refer back to throughout my morning. Thank you for being a sword in the hand of God. Thank you for taking the time to help others and encourage them through your words. And thank you for this message that I AM A MASTERPIECE!!! AND SO ARE YOU!!!:)
Author Sherese M. Lyons
Jackie Trottmann
March 7, 2019 9:01 amHi Sherese,
Thank you for stopping by. That warms my heart this morning to know that my words have made your heart lighter this morning. May you experience this lightness and knowing that you are a masterpiece today and always.