Welcome to Day 2 and Step 2 of 21 Days of Focus – Take Action on Your Plan in Small Steps Every Day.

Step 1 was developing a plan and Step 2 is taking small action steps each day towards your goal, dream or project. Choose one to three tasks depending on the time involved and complete those tasks each day.

Breaking Down Your Plan Into Small Steps

If your goal is to take a cooking class, then part of your plan would be to investigate the cooking classes in your area. Search online and look for the type of classes you are interested in taking. Depending on your schedule and other commitments you may have, this may take a lot of time. So for that day, you might just gather information.

Trying to execute your plan all at once is unrealistic and demotivating. Remember, our example of building a house? Depending on the size of the house, this project, goal or dream could take years.

Setting up this program entailed hours of work. I had to set up the parts a little bit at a time. Breaking up your plan into small, manageable steps will help you reach your goal and will keep you motivated.

Setting Realistic Expectations in Taking Action

My first experience where this really worked for me was at Christmas time. Until I discovered the power of focus, I had a bad habit of writing out everything I had to do, making a to-do list a mile long. Plus, I’d put it all on one day!

Well, of course, unexpected interruptions would happen and on some days I never accomplished anything on my list! I wasn’t setting any realistic expectations. I always thought I would get more done, and would constantly set myself up to be disappointed.

It was December 23rd and I hadn’t done any Christmas shopping (ironically, shopping didn’t even make the list!). Fortunately for me, the bulk of my buying is for family who don’t come into town until after Christmas Day. That day I had several short projects to wrap up. I put two items on my list. The goal was to finish by 1PM. Then I would take the rest of the afternoon off to go Christmas shopping.

Accomplishing Small Steps Bring You Joy in a Big Way!

Well, I finished the projects by 11 AM and took another of my items I wanted to finish and completed that too! I felt so energized and just plain joyful! After that morning of focus I vowed to never have a long to-do list again. It’s such a feeling of accomplishment to complete mini goals.

Prior to developing this focus, I would allow myself to get discouraged and develop and what we want to avoid in Step 3 – Don’t Have an All or Nothing Attitude.

So, Step 1 – You Have to Have a Plan

Step 2 – Take Action on your Plan in Small Steps Every Day

Until next time…. Stay focused!