We live in dark times right now, but the light always overcomes the darkness.

Here in the US, as we move from summer to fall, the days are getting shorter. That means that the darkness lasts later in the morning and comes earlier in the evening.
Rising at 5:30 or 6am, the house is engulfed in darkness and shadows, except for a little orange glow that shines from behind the hall light switch.
It doesn’t provide enough light to see an entire space, but it acts as a little beacon to tell me where I need to go.
In the Beginning there was Darkness then Light
The Old Testament starts with, “Darkness covered the face of the deep,” until God said, “Let there be light.”
The Gospel of John begins with light, starts to end with darkness, but ends with light again.
Several of the disciples had gone fishing all night and had caught nothing. Jesus was standing on the shore and called out to them, “Children, you have no fish, have you?”
When they answered no, he told them to cast their nets to the right side of the boat. They caught so many fish that they couldn’t haul them into the boat.
It was then that the disciple whom Jesus loved told Peter, “It is the Lord!” They immediately went ashore.
Waiting for them was a charcoal fire (a light in the darkness) where Jesus had made them breakfast.
We All Go through Dark Times
We all go through dark times. We are certainly living in dark times.
At the end of November 2009, I started my first blog on GuidedChristianMeditation.com. I had no idea what I was doing! But I just felt led to put what was on my heart out into the world.
On New Years Eve of 2009, Robert came home from work to tell me that he had been let go. He was the bread winner at that point. It was an especially dark time for us.
I created my first video in February of 2010 called Help for Dark Times using pictures Robert or I had taken and adding appropriate Bible verses to them. It was not polished(!) But it got the point across of offering encouragement. I need constant encouragement!
Dark Times Will Lead Us to the Light
It helps to look back to find security in the future.
Do you know what else happened in 2009? That June the H1N1 Flu was declared a global pandemic. There were massacres, tsunamis, earthquakes, oil spills, terrorist attacks, and other instances of dark times.
And here we are again in a severe global pandemic, loss of jobs, loss of too many things to list. But there will always be darkness and there will always be light. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”
Just like the little glow from the light switch, we can’t see the entire path ahead. But we can see enough to be drawn into the direction we are supposed to go.
Jesus reminds us in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
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