How do you decide what to say yes to and what to say no to?
Time is our most precious commodity, so we need to make wise decisions on how we use it. We also need to make wise decisions that are in alignment with what God has called us to do in our daily lives.
I love this verse from Matthew 5:37, “Let your yes be yes, and your no, no.”
Will you let your yes be yes and your no be no?
This what to say yes to and what to say no to question came up when I said yes to being a co-host on a television talk show called Faith Fueled Business. It’s kind of like The View only for Christ-centered women who want to grow their faith and their business.

I was responsible for writing six episodes. One is called The Power of Focus. That’s where I did some pondering on this: what to say yes to and what to say no to.
I found a quote by CD Baby founder Derek Sivers who says, “If it’s not a Hell YES!!!, it’s a no.”
Why I love this is that it’s simple and true. We know in our hearts when yes or no feels good or bad to us.
There is power in your yes or no.
Of course, there are decisions that take a lot of thought with pros and cons that need to be weighed. There are decisions that we must say yes to when we feel like saying no in the case of a crisis or an obligation when it is the right thing to do. But for the sake of this post, I’m talking about the numerous decisions that can fill up your calendar while draining your energy when you want to say no, but you say yes instead.
I imagined God’s view on this saying Yes and No. This is from God Notes – Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement.
I want you to say yes more often.
Say yes when your body tells you that you need rest.
Yes, the world will go on without you.
Yes, that’s right, you don’t need to carry the world on your shoulders.
But, absolutely yes, the world needs you. It needs your best and
brightest self to show up.
Say yes to an instinct or idea and act. If you don’t, the opportunity may be
Say yes to doing something that may scare you but will be good for you.
That’s saying yes to growth and courage.
Say yes to something silly. It will lighten your spirit.
When you do these things, I say, “YES!”
Saying yes means trusting Me.
When you trust in Me, you can do anything.
Such a powerful, little word with such negative meanings.
You need to say no more often to use its full power.
Say no to more commitments than you can handle.
No is a complete sentence.
Then say no to guilt for saying no.
The person asking will find someone else.
Say no to worry.
It is a useless emotion.
Put your trust in Me.
Say no to the voices outside of you that say you aren’t enough.
Say no to the false voice inside of you that says you aren’t enough.
When you say no to doubt and no to fear, you say yes to receive My love, peace,
courage, and presence within you.
Embrace the word no.
I hope this helps you to know when to say yes and when to say no. I know that I am taking Mr. Siver’s words to heart, “If it’s not a HECK YES (my PG version) ; ), it’s a no.”
If you liked these words Yes and No from God Notes, there are notes for every day of the year. Learn more and purchase your signed copy here or on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
How do you determine what to say yes to and what to say no to? I’d love to know by leaving a comment below.
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