This blog series, 21 Days of Focus, was created to give you encouragement to start and finish any project or move towards a dream you are working on.  These 21 days are meant for you to also form a focus habit.

When you focus and cut out distractions, you will finish projects and move in the direction of your dreams. These 21 Days of Focus were also a way for me to stay accountable and focused on fulfilling my own projects and dreams too!  Plus, focus is key to the first step in The Four Steps to FLOW.

Join me in 21 Days of Focus. I would love if you would leave a comment sharing what you are working on.

Focus Starts When You Decide

Every turning point happens because we decide. We make some sort of decision. It doesn’t have to always be a major decision. How our lives unfold has to do with small decisions we make every moment of every day.

It can be deciding to eat healthier, to lose weight, to move more, to shut off too much time connected to devices, to meditate, to start the novel, anything.

Focus Means Taking Consistent Action, Big or Small

Once you make a decision, it’s time to take action. Some people will say you have to take massive action. That’s fine if you are inspired to do so. But consistency is most important. Every consistent action step will build on itself over time producing results.

Focus Brings Awareness to How We Become Distracted

This focus for 21 days is meant to make focus a habit. It’s to become more aware of your behaviors so that you can respond to life instead of reacting to life. It’s discovering how easy it is to get distracted and not give our attention to what’s most important.

Focus is Dream Management Not Time Management

This is not so much time management as much as it is dream management! If our hearts are pushing us or our yearnings are pulling us in a certain direction, we need to pay attention and follow those yearnings.

These pullings and yearnings come from a still, small voice within us. If we keep pushing our still small voice away, we will miss out on joy and fulfillment that is calling us and trying to get our attention.

I believe that a big part of discovering one’s destiny is surrendering our heart and mind to a Higher Power. For me, that Higher Power is God. I would not be living the life I have today if I had not returned to my faith and allowed God to direct my life through the desires of my heart.

As we surrender our dreams and our actions to our Creator, amazing things can happen. We will receive Divine help and inspiration. We can have peace and let go of the outcome, allowing our dreams to unfold.

Make a commitment to following the blog posts for 21 days and continue your new habit, hopefully, forever! Start with Step 1.

At first, something is hard, but with practice, it becomes easy.

To the power of focus!

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