Posts tagged with: faith

We Walk By Faith Not By Sight

Would you like to have a crystal ball to see the future as opposed to hearing, we walk by faith and not by sight? As a present for Robert last...

Will You Choose Faith or Fear?

Jesus said these words, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” to the disciples after he rebuked the wind during a violent windstorm flooding their boat while at...

A Conversation About Faith Purpose Peace the Coronavirus and You

I hope you enjoy this conversation about faith, purpose, peace, the Coronavirus and you. Paul Silva and I have been sharing emails back and forth and decided to meet via...

A Light-Hearted Conversation About Faith, God Notes and Being Still

Read or listen to a light-hearted conversation about faith, the God Notes book, and being still. We talk about why people don’t want to be still and can be afraid...