Posts filed under: Gratitude

5 Coping Tips to Bring Light to COVID Dark Times Ahead

Here are 5 coping tips to bring light to COVID dark times ahead. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control)  has warned us that the darkest days are ahead with the...

What I Learned During COVID-19

Here is what I learned during COVID-19 (with pictures) and I would love for you to share in the comment section what you have learned. COVID-19 Brought out the Best...

Are You Thinking Abundance or Scarcity

“We are living in a material world and I am a material girl,” pop artist, Madonna sang in 1985. Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have...

How to Be Content in a Discontented World

Would you like to know how to be content in a discontented world that can be falling apart all around you? It starts with understanding that contentment isn’t something that...

7 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being

To live a life of joy and flow, practice these seven simple tips to boost your mental health and well-being. One of my favorite mentors was Jim Rohn. He was...

Never Forget You Are Enough

In a world where it seems you can’t have enough or do enough, never forget you are enough. This is what I shared during a Facebook live. The blog post...

A Conversation About Faith Purpose Peace the Coronavirus and You

I hope you enjoy this conversation about faith, purpose, peace, the Coronavirus and you. Paul Silva and I have been sharing emails back and forth and decided to meet via...

Who Knew the Coronavirus Caused Grief

I was talking with my husband Robert about what I should share on a webinar I was about to jump on to give encouragement during the Coronavirus outbreak. In this...

Do You Take Time to Linger?

Who has time to linger when you barely have time to keep up with all of life’s responsibilities? But if you wish to live life with joy and FLOW, like...

How to Connect to God Through Mindless Activities

When you think of connecting to God, you probably think of prayer, meditation, being in nature, or journaling. These are spiritual practices that I do and promote to foster a...