Posts filed under: Books

We Walk By Faith Not By Sight

Would you like to have a crystal ball to see the future as opposed to hearing, we walk by faith and not by sight? As a present for Robert last...

Freedom – Are You Truly Free?

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) In the United States we...

A Beginner’s Mind According to Jesus

The term beginner’s mind is usually associated with Zen teaching, but I couldn’t help but think of a beginner’s mind according to Jesus. I love this quote from Suzuki Roshi,...

Heal Your Trauma Lose Your Weight from Women Who Did

In this interview you’ll learn from two women how, if you heal your trauma, you can lose the weight that you constantly struggle with. You can read or listen. Jackie...

When You Seek and Find Apply

When you seek and find, how often do you celebrate in your finding or apply what you find? In the post, Do You Long to Hear the Word Arrived, I...

Is It God Talking or Your Ego?

That voice you hear in your head. Is it God talking or your ego talking? How do you know? I’ve heard it said that the only difference between good and...

Do Your Habits Lead to Joy or Misery?

Do your habits lead to joy or misery, or are you even aware of your habits? It’s interesting when looking up definitions online for the word habit because the meaning...

How Acceptance Will Set You Free

Here are two powerful examples that will explain how acceptance will set you free – free from feeling like a failure, free to get unstuck, and free to have greater...

The Top 3 Reasons Why I Love Books and Why You Should Too

There are a million reasons why I love books, but here are the top three reasons why I love books and hope to encourage you to love them too. Despite...

Awareness Prayer and Affirmation

The following awareness prayer and affirmation comes from The Freedom to EAT – 10 Secrets for Lasting Weight Loss and Inner Peace and the book’s companion meditation CD, Let it...