Posts filed under: Mindset

How to Be More Effective in Prayer

I believe that all prayers are answered. They may not be answered in the way that we were expecting. I also believe that we can make prayer more effective. Prayer...

Why You Need to Recognize the Enemy of Distraction

Solomon recognized the enemy of distraction when he instructed in Proverbs 4:25: Let your eyes look directly forward and your gaze be straight before you. In the following two verses,...

What Does the Golden Rule Not Mean

Have you ever thought what The Golden Rule does not mean? If you haven’t, you can not only be robbing yourself of joy, but festering bitterness. You were probably taught...

What Do You Really Need to Give Up for Lent and Always

During Lent we traditionally give up things as a sacrifice like chocolate, alcohol, soda, meat on Friday, Girl Scout cookies, and the like. (Why is National Girl Scout Cookie Day...

God’s Manufacturer’s Warranty

Unlike a bookshelf or barbecue pit you need to assemble (almost always guaranteed to have a bolt or two left over when you’re done), we come into this world whole....

What Are God Moments

What are God moments? They are moments when we experience that oneness with God, creation, or other people. I feel that oneness a lot in nature. Those moments when I...

Sanctification is Like a Car Wash

You probably never thought about sanctification like going through a car wash. The Psalmist says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”...

When You Feel Weary

Are you feeling weary? When you consider all that is happening in our lives and in the world, how can we not?!!? I know I certainly am. Along with this...

Will You Choose Joy or Worry

It may seem obvious for you to want to choose between joy or worry, but the choice you make includes the side effects that come with each. Have you watched...

Will You Choose Faith or Fear?

Jesus said these words, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” to the disciples after he rebuked the wind during a violent windstorm flooding their boat while at...